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Culture Lab: The Best Live Music in Long Island City

Outdoor Music at Culture Lab, LIC (Long Island City)

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Culture Lab LIC is a new nonprofit, formed to “support the efforts of local artists who have been running the Plaxall Gallery.” The 501(c)(3) operates an art gallery. Over the last few years, the facility transformed its large parking lot into a performance space that offers some of the best live music in LIC.

Words can’t begin to describe what an important, beautiful refuge this outdoor parking lot provided the residents of my neighborhood during the uncertain, isolated days of COVID.

Culture Lab LIC was there, with chalk-drawn socially distanced circles and live music when we couldn’t safely be within 10 feet of each other, but needed to escape our dismal work from home setups in June 2020.

When we were certain the world was ending, the wonderful Craig Greenberg channeled that despair with Billy Joel’s sleeper hit “Miami 2017.”

And it was there again when we needed to breathe and celebrate the victory of Joe Biden and our first female Vice President.